Exhibits at the Centre for Sustainable Development

Art openings provide an excellent opportunity to organize thought-provoking events on top sustainable development issues.

Located in the heart of Montreal’s entertainment district, the Centre for Sustainable Development has been showcasing art exhibits since 2012, providing the only space exclusively dedicated to bringing together culture and sustainable development in the city. The Centre considers culture in general and art in particular to be fundamental pillars of sustainable development and its eight exhibits a year string together culture, art and knowledge.

The art exhibits at the Centre for Sustainable Development aim to...

  • Use art as a tool for raising awareness about top sustainable development issues
  • Broaden the Centre and its members’ scope by reaching new audiences in the artistic sector
  • Encourage the artistic community to participate in the public discussion on main sustainable development issues
  • Offer artists a space to showcase their work
  • Liven up the Centre’s Atrium

Call for proposals

The Centre aims to be a hub for ideas and innovation related to sustainable development and seeks to showcase exhibits related to this mandate. Take a look at our call for proposals [French only]. - BACK ON WINTER 2020

Selection committee 

To insure selected exhibits meet a high level of quality and are in line with its mandate, the Centre handpicked experts both from the artistic and sustainable development communities experienced in this type of endeavour and interested in advising and sharing their experience on a volunteer basis.

Exhibits to come:

For any additional information: 

Claudie Gariépy
Head of Programming and Communications
Centre for Sustainable Development
Phone: 514-394-1108, ext. 3726

Past exhibits: