Water Efficiency
Rainwater recovery
A cistern harvests rainwater, which is redirected to the building’s toilets. Such measures are expected to reduce consumption of drinking water by 55% and of wastewater by 58%.
Saves drinking water and reduces the amount of wastewater requiring treatment.
Waterless and low flow plumbing
To prevent leaks and reduce water consumption, the low flow faucets are equipped with infrared sensors for automatic shut-off during soaping and after rinsing. Dual-flush toilets use 3.4 litres for a quick flush, 4.8 for a full. The waterless urinals also save significant amounts of water.
Saves drinking water and reduces the amount of wastewater requiring treatment.
For more information, check out the interactive exhibit on the building, sign up for a visit with a guide or take a virtual tour of the Centre [French only].