50, Sainte-Catherine Street West, suite 400
Montreal (Québec) H2X 3V4
Phone: 514 252-3016
Phone (toll free): 1 866 377-3016
Fax: 514 254-5873
ENvironnement JEUnesse, a non-profit environmental education organization, has been active in Québec since 1979. It promotes critical thinking and environmental awareness among youth under the age of 30. ENJEU has more than 1000 members, of which nearly 150 are educational institutions.
Current areas of activity
The organization’s activities revolve around three main themes.
Citizen mobilization:
ENvironnement JEUnesse participates in and gets its members involved in public hearings, parliamentary committees and memorandum writing, among other activities.
ENvironnement JEUnesse dispenses more than 3000 activities, training sessions and workshops every year for Québec youth. They also hold seminars, such as Bise d’automne and l’Intersection, to mobilize its members and train them in environmental issues.
From environmental management to active transit, from eco-ethical fashion to international climate change meetings, the organization’s projects are varied and dynamic. Here are a few examples of these initiatives: Cégep Vert du Québec, Je m’emballe autrement, l’Action citoyenne à vélo and 2 roues, 4 saisons.