The Contamination + Addiction Exhibition by Michel Huneault, a Photo-Essay on the Lake Megantic Disaster

Montreal, 12 December 2013 - From 9 January to 5 February 2014, the Centre for Sustainable Development will host, in collaboration with the David Suzuki Foundation and the borough of Ville-Marie, the Contamination + Addiction exhibition by Michel Huneault, a powerful photo‑essay on the Lake Megantic disaster.

In his installations, which blend photographic documentary and contemporary art, Michel Huneault looks in detail and with sobriety at disturbing and hypnotic visuals captured on the Chaudière River in the 5 months following the Lake Megantic derailment, now recognized as the country's worst rail disaster. “This unique work is an unquestionable and factual document of the oil spills and a tool for reflection on the risks of our contemporary addiction and attraction to oil,” says Michel Huneault.

Opening and silent auction

The exhibition opening, held on 14 January 2014, will be an express networking event and will mark the start of the Centre for Sustainable Development’s 2014 winter and spring program.

A silent auction will be held during the exhibition. Half of the profits will go towards the artist's future projects. The other half will support the Centre for Sustainable Development’s cultural activities.

Michel Huneault

Michel Huneault (1976) is a Montreal-based documentary photographer. Before working full‑time in photography, he worked in international development for over a decade, which took him to more than 20 countries. Michel’s photographic work, for which he has received numerous awards, has been widely published in Canada and around the world. He addresses issues relating to sustainable development, occupation of territories and post-conflict situations. Michel has a scholarship from the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec [Quebec arts and letters council] and is represented by agencies Cosmos (Paris) and Polaris (New York).

Thank you!

The Centre for Sustainable Development would like to thank the artist, the David Suzuki Foundation, the newspaper Metro, Novae and Alcoa, its main partner in programming. The greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the transportation of participants in the 2014 program will be offset thanks to a partnership with Planetair.

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Centre for Sustainable Development

Eight organizations involved in promoting sustainable development came together to create the Centre for Sustainable Development, a place for exchange, reflection, innovation and meeting others. This demonstration green building, the first to receive LEED NC Platinum certification in Quebec, aims to inspire the general public, experts and elected representatives and to create a synergy between its founding members; Amnesty International, Le Petit Réseau daycare centre, the Conseil régional de l'environnement de Montréal, Environnement Jeunesse, Équiterre, Option consommateurs, le Regroupement national des conseils régionaux de l'environnement du Québec and Vivre en Ville.

David Suzuki Foundation

The David Suzuki Foundation collaborates with Canadians from all walks of life to conserve our environment and find solutions that will create a sustainable Canada through science-based research, education and policy work.

Visuals available on request


Amélie Ferland, Director of Communications and Programming

Centre for Sustainable Development



Michel Huneault, photographer
