From Singapore to Montreal: How can our living environments make us happy?

Votre milieu de vie vous rend-il heureux?

© Singapore’s Center for Liveable Cities (CLC)

At 12:15 on June 21, 2018 , the Centre for Sustainable Development, Climate Reality Project Canada and the City of Montréal host From Singapore to Montreal: How can our living environments make us happy? organized as part of our Lunch & Learn conferences during the ICLEI World Congress 2018.

We are happy to welcome Limin Hee from Singapore’s Centre for Liveable Cities for a moment of reflection on Singapore's bold development project and on the effects of sustainable development and interventions on the living environment and the collective and individual well-being.

Patrice Allard, Head of the Social Diversity and Sports Division at City of Montreal, will join the discussion  to present Montreal's Policy on Social Development that includes interventions to "develop a city and neighbourhoods on a human scale". Mr. Allard will also present rapidely a new survey about Montreal citizens' happiness level.


Limin Hee is Director of Research at Singapore’s Center for Liveable Cities (CLC), where she has oversight of research strategies, initiatives and collaborations. At the CLC, she has helped to oversee the Urban Systems Studies series, which delve deep into the transformation of Singapore in the last 50 years. Active mobility and people-centred development are embedded in her work as fundamental to the planning and design of liveable cities.

Important: the conference will be held in English with the possibility to ask questions in French.

Event details

Duration of the conference: 1h15. Suggested contribution: 5$.

Webcastof the event (57:20):




Thank you!

The Centre for Sustainable Development would like to thank Hydro-Québec, the main partner in its programming, Fonds de solidarité FTQ, Caisse d'économie solidaire Desjardins, Journal Metro, Climate Reality Project Canada and the City of Montréal. The greenhouse gas emissions associated with the transportation of participants in the 2018 programming will be offset by Planetair.

Proud partner of the City of Montréal and Sustainable Montréal 2016-2020.
