Town hall on our right to live in a healthy environment

** This event is sold out, but you can participate via webcast by booking here now **.

On November 16th at 8 PM, join David Suzuki and friends for a special panel discussion on the future of environmental rights in Canada — at the Centre for Sustainable Development or from the comfort of your own home!


  • David Suzuki, cofondateur de la Fondation David Suzuki
  • Dr. François Reeves, cardiologue et auteur du livre Planète cœur
  • Karine Peloffy, directrice du Centre québécois du droit de l’environnement
  • Ellen Gabriel, Indigenous Human Rights Activist and Visual Artist, Kanehsatà:ke


A celebration and national town hall on environmental rights


Wednesday, November 16, 8 to 9 p.m. EDT*


Subscribe here to tune in via live-stream as we celebrate these successes and discuss plans for securing a federal environmental bill of rights by 2018.


Thanks to thousands of engaged citizens like you, the David Suzuki Foundation’s Blue Dot movement for your environmental rights continues to exceed all expectations. More than 100,000 people and 143 municipalities across Canada are already on board! For more information on the Blue Dot Movement :  

The Centre would like to thank the David Suzuki Fondation, COPTICOM, Novae, the journal Métro, Novae, as well as Alcoa, its main partner in programming. The greenhouse gas emissions generated by participants’ transportation are offset thanks to a partnership with Planetair.
