Great Green Ball


On October 12th at 6 pm, come celebrate the Centre’s fifth anniversary at a Great Green Ball, THE chic, green party of the season!

During its first five years of existence, the Centre has upheld its mandate to become a hub of reflection, innovation, education and the meeting of minds on sustainable development. An exceptional, unique and inspiring space. A stimulating community. An achievement worth celebrating! Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to:

  • raise your glass with the builders and visionaries of the Centre, top sustainable development players in Montreal
  • dance on DJ Stephane Cocke's music
  • enjoy a custom RISE Kombucha cocktail
  • get a taste of the bistro Marius’ sweet and salty appetizers
  • get a complete nature-inspired makeover 
  • and more!

Participants are invited to wear a green or nature-themed accessory. 

Duration: 3:30. Suggested contribution: 5$. Sign up here:

The Centre for Sustainable Development would like to thank its program partners, COPTICOM, Novae, the Journal Métro as well as Alcoa, its main partner in programming. The greenhouse gas emissions produced by participants' tranportation will be offset thanks to a partnership with Planetair.

The Centre thanks this event's special partners: 
