Bhopal Second Disaster Exhibit

Photo : Alex Masi

From August 3rd to 21th 2015, the Centre for Sustainable Development and Photo Médias International will host the exhibit Bhopal Second Disaster.

They launched a photojournalism competition to be held during the Zoom Photo Festival in Saguenay. Each participant must submit a series of 15 photos on the theme of “Man and the Environment”. This theme presents comment on the way Man, as a species, can be influenced by his immediate surroundings, which include the whole of his cultural and natural environment; the aim is to explore how these conditions can affect a person’s life, on all levels. The winner of the 2013 edition of “Man and the Environment” is Alex Masi.

Bhopal is not yet at peace.  

Madhya Pradesh, central India (2009-2014)

Almost three decades have passed since the infamous ‘1984 Union Carbide Gas Disaster’, but many families are still trapped within the nightmare that began on a grim, distant night, searching still for the possibility of restoring health and dignity to their community.

Half a million people living in the capital of Madhya Pradesh were exposed to the toxic cloud released by the plant when all safety mechanisms failed to work. Thousands died it its wake.

Today, Union Carbide’s legacy is affecting the health of those who lived on: approximately 100,000 people are chronically ill from the continued effects of the gas leak, while tainted drinking water has caused a sharp increase in birth defects and severe disabilities in children.

Courageous, resilient citizens that since 1984 have struggled to hold the culprits accountable, and to inspire others around the world to raise their voices, stand united and support each other.

Thank you!

The Centre for Sustainable Development would like to thank the Photos Médias International, the Metro newspaper, Copticom, Novae and Alcoa, its main partner in programming. The greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the transportation of participants in the 2015 program will be offset thanks to a partnership with Planetair.
