Webinaire : Air Quality - Local Measurement Matters

Le vendredi 8 mai 2020, la Maison du développement durable et Réalité climatique Canada présente le webinaire « Air Quality - Local Measurement Matters ». 

Événement en anglais

Air quality monitoring and modelling efforts seek to improve air quality and the health of our communities. Monitoring air quality allows us to evaluate the status of the air we breathe and compare it to targets we have set based on health evidence, and to gauge historical improvements. For decision making around pollution and health, air quality information must be available at a relevant scale. For more local decision making, local information is required. At present, there is inadequate local and regional monitoring available to adequately support modelling efforts. However, technological advances in monitoring, coupled with the rapid growth of social entrepreneurship and active academic research communities mean we are at an exciting juncture in pollution monitoring.

This presentation reports on the past, present and future of air quality monitoring.

Horaire :

De 11 h 30 à 12 h 00

Conférencier :

Kevin Behan - Deputy Director, Clean Air Partnership

Vous inscrire à l'événement virtuel : cliquez ici  




La Maison du développement durable tient à remercier Hydro-Québec, partenaire principal de sa programmation et la Ville de Montréal.
